Yes, people come for the content, but first you’ve got to attract them with the image. After all, images are the first thing people notice about your page or post.
The right image can grab attention and create intrigue, mystery, curiosity and a host of other emotions that wrap their tendrils around your visitor and glue them to your writing. As an added benefit, the better your image is at capturing attention, the less important your headline becomes. A great image with a mediocre headline will almost always lure the visitor into reading your content, while a sub par headline on its own seldom will.
What can you do to maximize the effect images have on your visitor? Here are 10 keys:
1. Use at least one image per post. Every post should have an image of its own above the fold. And if your post is long, consider adding images into the middle as well to break up your post. These will provide welcome breaks to your readers, as well as enticing scanners to stop and read your content.
2. Look for images that work on a gut level. If your post is about how to prevent a house fire, you might be tempted to post an image of a building on fire. But how much more captivating would it be to have an image of someone experiencing loss – even without a single charred remain in the background? Look for images that play on the emotions, rather than ones that simply illustrate your story.
3. Use faces. Studies show that readers pause longer on an image that shows at least one face. If you don’t use faces, then look for something provocative or downright spectacular – something that makes the viewer stop in her tracks and want to know more.
4. Use images in your RSS feed. Just like blog posts, an image can make the difference between your writing being read or ignored. Think of the image combined with the headline as your book cover, and your post as the contents. People do judge books by their covers, and they do the same when looking through their feeds.
5. Take the time to get it right. Grabbing the first interesting image you see is seldom a recipe for stopping Internet traffic. If you need to spend as much time sourcing an image as you do writing the post, then do it. It’s worth the extra effort.
Consider purchasing your images. You can almost always find far better images when you’re willing to pay a little bit to use them, and the selection is far more vast and interesting as well. Keep in mind – a bland as toast image could actually HURT your chance to get your post read. Spend a buck or two and get something that leaps off the page and into your reader’s imagination.
If money is tight, there is a third option, and that’s using creative commons photos. They’re free to use but you MUST give the proper attribution to the photographer. For example, you can start a search for creative commons images here:
6. Just do it. Adding images might sound too simple, but the fact is that it will almost certainly increase the time visitors spend on your site.
7. Consider taking and using your own photos. If you’re a shutter bug, by all means get busy. Using your own photos will personalize your website that much more, as well as building a deeper connection with your audience.
8. Build an entire post around pictures. With the advent of social media, you can now get traffic simply for having great images. So why not try a post that’s image dense, such as the most romantic places in your country, or the funniest photos ever, etc.
9. Don’t forget to add alt tags to your images. This can help you to rank higher in the search engines, bringing you more traffic.
10. Have fun. Not only is reading an article that contains images more interesting for the reader – it’s also more fun for the author to put together.
You’ve got a new product or website, but you’re stuck for a tagline.
Should you spend a lot of time thinking up the best possibility? Surprisingly, no. There is a simple shortcut to writing the perfect tagline that will grab people’s attention and let them know immediately that your product is right for them.
So what’s the shortcut? Believe it or not, it’s letting your customer write your tagline FOR YOU.
First, a few things you should know about the perfect tagline:
1. It needs to accurately articulate what it is that you are offering, and it needs to position you positively with your target market.
2. It’s got to be original. Whatever it is that you’re selling, odds are there are plenty of others selling something similar. By being original, you can stand apart from the crowd to get noticed and remembered.
3. It’s got to be concise and precise. Memories are exceedingly short and the competition to be heard is getting tougher every day.
Now then, keeping those three points in mind, what do your clients tell you about your product or service? Better still, what do they tell you about the problem your product or service fixes? For example, career coach Julie Jansen helps people to find their ideal work. What do her clients frequently tell her when they’re in her office? “I don’t know what I want, but I know it’s not this.” That became the title of her book.
Another career coach kept hearing, “I don’t know what I want to be when I grow up!” She resisted using the phrase at first because her clients WERE grown up and she thought it might offend them. However, once she added it to the top of her website, she immediately experienced a dramatic increase in inquiries.
Two young software designers were showing a venture capitalist how their software worked. The investor suddenly exclaimed, “That’s so simple, my mother could do it!” Bingo! Their tagline was born.
An author wanted to write and speak about male-female communications. With the room full of people, she laid out a scenario in which they were all trying to communicate with the opposite sex but having difficulties. One gentlemen yelled out, “Can’t she see I’m watching the game?” And her tagline was born.
If your tagline captures exactly how your ideal customer feels, you’ve got it right. As you can see, you don’t need to place pressure on yourself to find the perfect tagline – instead, simply listen to your customers.
To learn more, read the book: “POP! Create the Perfect Pitch, Title and Tagline” by Sam Horn. Then go improve the tagline for your product so you can sell more and serve more.
Getting on other people’s podcasts is a great way to gain exposure and drive traffic to your offer. But how do you get the podcaster’s attention in the first place?
Here are some tips to getting interviewed and also being asked back again:
1. Listen to several episodes of the show before contacting the host. You want to know the show’s format as well as whether or not your concept fits into their market.
2. If you have done prior interviews, let the podcaster know this in your first contact. Direct them to your media page or to past interviews.
3. Have something to say. “Hey, I wrote a new book!” isn’t necessarily enough, unless it’s a book with new information that fits perfectly with the theme of the show. You can gain an edge by moving it up a notch – having a special event for charity, for example, could get you to the top of the list of potential guests.
4. Provide the interviewer a list of questions in advance, along with a sample of your product or book.
5. Tell your list about the interview and encourage them to listen in. This gives your host more listeners which they will appreciate.
6. Blog about the interview before and after.
7. Most important. Be knowledgeable in your niche. Be prepared to offer lots of great, usable information on the podcast. Do not hold back and simply tell them to buy the book. The more you give away and provide real value, the better the host and audience will appreciate you and benefit from what you are sharing. In addition, the audience will think, “If s/he’s telling this much for free, imagine what must be in the book!”
8. Be sure to thank the host and send them a gift.
9. Ask for a copy of the interview so you can use it in your own marketing.
85% of people suffer from low self-esteem, lack of confidence, or just a general feeling of not being “good enough.” That’s 17 out of 20 people who are afflicted with enough self-doubt to make success difficult and life hard.
It starts in childhood: Something is said that makes you feel inferior, or you interpret something to mean that you are somehow “less than.” You replay it in your mind until it becomes a fixed grove winding deeply throughout everything you think and everything you do.
Low self esteem and lack of confidence affects your life on every level. But so does finally learning – deep down inside where it counts – to really, truly, finally love yourself. It’s transformative. It’s simple. But it takes lots and lots of practice to overwrite all of that bad programming you’ve endured in the past.
I recently discovered a Kindle book that can totally change the way a person thinks about him or herself. The author hit rock bottom. He was sick of the misery and the pain.
So he got out of bed, staggered to the desk and wrote the following in his notebook:
“This day, I vow to myself to love myself, to treat myself as someone I love truly and deeply – in my thoughts, my actions, the choices I make, the experiences I have, each moment I am conscious, I make the decision I LOVE MYSELF.”
After that moment he began telling himself, “I love myself.” He said it when he woke up, throughout his day and when he went to bed. He said it like a mantra in his head, over and over again.
Things gradually changed for him. His body healed. His life got better. Fantastic things started to happen for him. And through it all, he kept repeating to himself, “I love myself, I love myself, I love myself, I love myself.”
Even if you don’t think this will benefit you, I want you to consider trying it anyway.
You don’t have to believe it, you just have to say it over and over again to yourself. It’s a practice. You won’t see a miracle the first day, but you will begin to notice subtle changes in the way you feel and the way you view your business, your connections and your life.
Despite being a quick read, “Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends On It” by Kamal Ravikant has much more to offer than I can write here. I highly encourage you to get it, read it and let it be a reminder to love yourself and those around you more every day.
When you get an interview, don’t ask the reporter to print your website address in their article – you’ll just annoy them. They’re already giving you free publicity, and if you start pushing then they will do what comes naturally and push back.
Instead, give them a good reason to include your website URL in their story. Here are 5 different ways…
1. Identify your company by your URL. Instead of saying your company is My Really Cool Company, call it
2. Offer free information at your website. For example, if you’re a plumber then it could be a free report on “How Not to Get Ripped Off When You Hire a Plumber.” If you’re teaching people to make money from home, it could be “10 Businesses You Can Start For Under $100 and Run From Home.”
3. Offer a free service at your website.
4. Offer free software, free cheat sheets, a free quiz to determine if they have “x” problem, etc.
5. Hook them in the interview, reel them in on the website. Give the reporter several tips on how to solve a problem, and then tell him that his audience can find 17 more tips at your website.
Your goal is to make the reporter WANT to share your URL, rather than begging them to share it. This can make a difference in whether or not your website address makes it into the article as well as the effort the reporter makes in sending readers there. And when you provide the right incentive you’ll also find that far more of the audience members find their way to your website.
How do get you the media to come you? How do you get them to recognize you as a news source – someone they can call when they need your expertise on their story?
You want to appear as the authority in your field and a good source of continuing news content for them. For example, if you’re teaching fitness online and there’s a new study that says doing naked jumping jacks burn twice as many calories as doing them with your clothes on, you want the media to contact you for a quote or to answer a few questions.
And wouldn’t it be nice if each time you launch a new fitness course, you could get interviews in newspapers, in magazines, on the radio and even on television? Like a snowball rolling downhill – gathering speed and quickly growing in size – once you do get interviews you can leverage those into more credibility with your current and future customers. As you become recognized as an authority, members of the media will become more willing to run your press releases and do your stories.
Make no mistake, print media is still still very influential. These days we tend to talk about social media, social influence and so forth online. But we sometimes lose sight of the fact that there is a real world out there with print media – newspapers and magazines, as well as radio and television. And appearing in any of these media gives you instant credibility you simply cannot get through social media.
One thing that’s especially important to understand is why being in the news is vastly superior to advertising. When you purchase ads, it’s assumed you can say pretty much what you like as long as you don’t violate any laws. Is it any wonder people are immediately skeptical of advertising claims?
But when you’re in the news it’s an entirely different matter. Journalism is for the most part fact based – or at the very least, people believe it’s fact based. Viewers and readers assume what they hear in the story is true, that it’s been verified, and that there is no ulterior motive for the story (such as parting them from their money.)
In a nutshell, advertising raises defenses and news lowers defenses. As an aside, next time you write an ad, whether it’s a sales page, an email, etc., try framing it in the style of news and see if your conversion rate doesn’t increase. Fortunes have been made with just this tip. Think about it.
In the 1950’s the Federal Communications Commission in the U.S. created new regulations to limit and govern the commercial content of television. The worry was that the lines between paid advertising and news were becoming blurred and consumers were being fooled. But then in 1984 the American President Reagan eliminated those regulations. Result? The infomercial. Now you had extra long commercials that were staged like talk shows, news shows, etc. with the sole purpose of selling products. And it worked better than anyone even dared hope.
What’s my point? Get you, your products and your website into the media spotlight. Or at the very least, make your advertising look and feel more like news than just another sales pitch.
There are two basic methods to getting into the news. The first is to be the subject of a news story. Examples might be that you’ve got an especially provocative, titillating or controversial product worthy of being news, or your business is holding an event to raise money for a worthy cause. This gets you into the media eye for short bursts of time, but each time you want to get back into the media, you need to come up with another brilliant, newsworthy idea.
The second method is to become an authority in your field – someone the media turns to for quotes, to answer questions, to explain information to their audience and so forth. This gets you into the news on a more frequent basis, although with less splash.
Both methods are good, and together they can create more free advertising than you could hope to buy in a lifetime.
If you’re thinking that you or your business could never be featured in news stories, you’re probably right. The very first thing you’ve got to do is get your head around the fact that you or your business can indeed be newsworthy. If Wayne Gretsky missed 100% of the shots he didn’t take, then you’re going to miss 100% of the media opportunities you allow to slip by because you’re not confident you have what it takes to be news.
There isn’t time or space here to give you the full run down on getting into the media – entire books are written on this topic alone. For example, Free Publicity: A TV Reporter Shares the Secrets for Getting Covered on the News by Jeff Crilley is in my opinion an especially good one.
What I can tell you is this: KNOW for a fact that you can get into the news, because you can.
Be ever vigilant for news opportunities, and when you see one, don’t hesitate to jump on it immediately.
Submit stories to your local newspapers, television shows, local websites, etc. This is well within almost anyone’s comfort range and it’s a great place to start.
Work towards becoming a featured columnist or editorialist in your local publications. Getting your smiling face and great advice in front of local readers on a weekly basis will get you business. Start by writing letters to the editor that do not sound like commercials. In our fitness expert example, you might note that you’re seeing more overweight children in the neighborhood, and offer 3 tips their parents can use to motivate their children into activity.
If you can retain ownership of your columns, do so, even if it means allowing the paper or magazine to run them for free. This way you can send those columns to other publications as well.
Let your local reporters know that you are an authority in your subject they can call on when they need help with a story. When they call, drop everything and be as helpful as possible. Do not appear self-serving – put their need to get the story accurate and finished ahead of your desire for publicity. 9 times out of 10 they will cite you as a source. “According to local expert John Smith, …”
More Tips For Getting Into The News:
– When pitching your own stories, keep in mind the question every reporter and news editor is silently asking: “Will my audience care about this story? If so, why?” Get familiar with the kinds of stories your target news outlets publish, and tailor your own press releases accordingly.
– Anticipate trends in your field of expertise and the larger implications of those trends. In other words, be on the forefront of news whenever possible instead of chasing it. Show how this new trend will affect the readers of the publication.
– Be the odd man out. If a story breaks and everyone in the media is in lockstep on what this story means, take the opposite view. If a reporter is looking for something different or even just to balance out their own story, they will be anxious to talk to you. Note: Be sure you can back up your point view with facts or examples.
– Know what a reporter has written before approaching them. Tell them you enjoyed their article on propagating ferns when you pitch them an idea to write about the exotic plants you’re selling by mail. A little honest flattery and attention goes a long way to getting your own free publicity.
– Forget small talk. Are you calling a reporter to pitch your story? Or is she calling you to get your perspective? Get to the point. The reporter will appreciate that you respect they’re under a deadline.
– Do the reporter’s work for them. When you send out a press release, make it read like a story in the newspaper. You’ll be surprised how many times they will print it just as you wrote it.
– Relax. Sometimes your stories will be picked up, other times they won’t. It may take time to get recognized as an expert reporters can call on – simply continue to get your name out there.
Have fun with this. You may find it slow going at first, but persistence pays off. And the more publicity you get, the more you will get because publicity begets publicity. Something you do today such as sending out a press release or making contact with a reporter may not pay off for days, weeks or even months. But as long as you are offering newsworthy stories and/or expert help in your niche, continuous effort nearly always gets rewarded.
One of the biggest objections to product creation is finding a great idea for a product…
Believe it or not, YOU are often your greatest source for profitable product ideas, and you’re about to discover how to generate more profitable business ideas than you will ever be able to use. Below you’ll discover 7 different ways to generate your own ideas, how to know if your ideas are likely to work, and how to test your idea to see if it really is going to make you money.
First, let’s talk about a (not so) surprising revelation – you already HAVE ideas. In the last month you’ve probably had product ideas for ebooks, videos series, memberships sites, etc. The fact is, finding ideas isn’t the hard part of product creation. Sometimes all you need to do is PAY ATTENTION to what’s happening online and all around you, and then write those ideas down when you get them.
So what’s the hard part of product creation? No, it’s not creating the product. It’s the step just after having an idea and just before creating the product, and it’s called: Choosing one idea and sticking to it, despite all of the other distractions.
This is of course followed up by continuing to stick with the idea all the way through until completion. I’ll bet you that you already know from your first hand experience that perseverance until completion is truly the difficult part of the product creation process, or any business undertaking really. Compared to that, getting an idea can be a piece of cake.
Here’s a thought that will take some of the stress out of choosing an idea and then seeing it all the way through to completion: Even a less than stellar idea – seen through to the end – will become an asset and a character builder. Let’s say you choose your idea and you run with it. You stick to it all the way from inception to final product creation and product launch. But it doesn’t perform the way you hoped and you don’t get the sales you anticipated.
You still have an asset you can use for multiple purposes. You can repackage your product with a new cover and new sales letter, and see if it sells better that way. You can use the product as a give away to build your list. You can enter your product in giveaways and joint ventures to also build your list, and good reputation in the marketplace. You can use it as a bonus when you sell other products you’ve created, or affiliate products. You can sell resell rights, master resell rights or private label rights to it. You can publish it on Kindle, and so forth.
Incidentally, there are numerous cases where a book did not sell well and the publisher simply changed the title and cover, and it then sold like hotcakes. So it might not be your product at all – it could simply be your product’s name or the marketing you’re using to sell your product.
Your product is also a character builder for you regardless of how well it sells because you’ve now proven to yourself that you can choose an idea and stick with it to completion. This skill alone can make you a very wealthy person, and is the real missing ingredient for most wannabe entrepreneurs.
Don’t believe me? Imagine two people: One person skips from idea to idea and rarely ever sees them through to completion. The other person completes one idea after another. Unfortunately, the second person creates 4 products that don’t sell very well for every product that sells like gangbusters. After a few years, the first person has 2 or 3 products completed (if that), while the second person has close to a hundred products created, 10% of which sold like crazy. Who would you say was more successful?
So how do you generate killer ideas? Here are those seven ways I promised:
1. Solve problems. If people need money, show them how to get it. If people need to lose weight, show them how to be thinner. If people have back pain, show them how to get rid of it, etc.
2. Answer questions. Again, you’re showing them how to do something. For example, if people are asking how to build a website, run an affiliate program or use a shopping cart, answering their questions can be the basis for a product topic. Sometimes the question might be answered with software. For example, if people want to know how to drive traffic and you’ve created a plug-in that drives traffic, you have an answer to their question (#2) that solves their problem (#1.)
3. Make a process easier. For example, every marketer needs sales letters. If you can develop a software, service or system that makes it easier to get sales letters, you might have a product winner.
4. Improve something. If you’ve got a method for growing organic vegetables that makes the vegetables bigger, tastier or more plentiful, you’ve got a product.
5. Do something faster. Maybe you know how make tomatoes grow twice as fast, or you know how to build a good list faster than anyone, or you have software that cuts the time it takes to perform a task – those are all viable product ideas.
6. Make something cheaper. Can you teach the contents of a $997 course for only $27? Or can you show people how to do something cheaper? Maybe you can demonstrate how to grow herbs for a fraction of the store cost – this could make a great product.
7. Find the hidden desire or need. For example, there are tons of products on how to do each aspect of online marketing yourself. But there might very well be a hidden market of upscale buyers who would rather pay someone to develop an online business for them.
Great product ideas are all around you, and within you. As has been said, great ideas are a dime a dozen, but people who act on them are one in a million. Be the one, and go make your million!
The P.S. in marketing originally came from direct mail promotions. Prospects would often go straight to the bottom of the sales copy to find the price before reading the letter. By inserting a powerful P.S., the marketers were often able to pull people back into the copy and read the entire message.
Today we use P.S.’s in online sales letters and emails, but the purpose has changed slightly. After all, we usually don’t put a price in an email, and the price in an online sales letter is often hidden in the copy. If your sales letter does prominently display the price at the end of the letter just prior to the P.S., then I highly encourage you to use what we call the Recap P.S., where you recap the greatest benefits to your offer. Again, this should draw them back into reading your sales message.
When the price does not appear at the end of your sales message, such as in an email, you have much more flexibility in what you place inside your P.S. Make no mistake – the P.S. is still very powerful and people will sometimes scroll straight to the end of the letter and thus read the P.S. first. But now you can use it to different purposes besides recapping the greatest benefits. Here then are 10 different P.S.’s to consider using. And no matter which kind you choose, always follow it with the link you’re promoting.
1. Use a testimonial. A testimonial is a great way to overcome your readers’ doubts and get them to click the link. And it can also be a sneaky way to restate a benefit at the same time.
For example: “P.S. Since using the abc product my life has changed dramatically. I now have total confidence that I can accomplish anything I set my mind to. In the last month I’ve received a promotion and a big fat raise, and I negotiated a very favorable deal on a brand new house that saved me $80,000 off the market value.”
2. “Oops I forgot.” This can be almost anything you want, so long as it’s important.
Examples: “P.S. Oops, I forgot to tell you, this is a dimesale and the price is rising rapidly.”
“P.S. Oh, forget to tell you that everyone who orders by midnight gets to have lunch with The Guru.”
“P.S. Hey, I forgot to mention that this is the exact same information I used to get the phone numbers of 17 beautiful women in one evening.”
3. The extra discount. You’ve given them the benefits in the email, now get them to take action with a discount offer.
“P.S. The next 5 people get a 25% discount just for opening this email. How cool is that?”
“P.S. When you order by midnight tonight and you use discount code BBB, you get $20 off the sale price. But you must order by midnight and you must use the discount code, no exceptions.”
4. The treasure hunt. Tell them exactly where to find a golden nugget of information or the biggest benefit of all.
“P.S. As soon as you’re on the page, read the headline and then scroll to the big yellow box with the cherries. Third cherry down – that’s the exact method I used last week to earn $4,390 in 22 minutes.”
5. Give them a visual to look for. If you have something really enticing on the page, tell them to go find it – in a round about way. Yeah, I know this one is hokey – but it flat out works.
“P.S. Did you see the treasure chest above on this page? Well, that was just to alert you about the 10 money saving tips you’d be crazy not to review right now and make sure you’re taking advantage of.”
6. Bait the hook. Use your P.S. as bait, emphasizing the greatest benefit or main selling point from a different angle. Let’s say your product teaches people how to make money online.
“P.S. While this product will make you an absolute money magnet on the Internet, it will also instill a new confidence in you that carries over into every facet of your life, making you more successful in everything you do.”
7. Urgency. We touched on this in earlier examples. If the price is increasing or the product is about to be pulled, you’ve got a reason for them to hurry over to the url or order page.
“P.S. The price is rising with every sale.”
“P.S. Only 99 of these will be made available, and 82 of those have already sold.”
“P.S. Donate by midnight tonight and every dollar you send will receive a matching donation, doubling your contribution and enabling us to help twice as many kittens.”
8. Don’t Decide Guarantee. The most difficult part of making a sale can be getting them to DECIDE to buy, right? So remove that step altogether with your guarantee and emphasize it in the P.S. Your goal is to remove all risk from their decision making, so that it appears they really aren’t deciding anything today. Highly effective.
“P.S. Remember, there is no need to decide today. Try our miracle wax product free for 30 days and if you’re not thrilled with your car’s shine, you’ll pay nothing.”
9. The Bonus. Use your email to cover the product, and then in the P.S. you introduce the bonus you’re offering when they purchase from you.
“P.S. Take action today and I’ll personally send you The Giant Offline Marketing Course for free. This is the exact same course I sell for $197 (show proof of where you sell it) and I will not be offering it for free ever again.”
10. More Proof. Are you making a claim that’s difficult to believe? Offer some kind of evidence or proof.
“P.S. Don’t take my word for it – Harvard’s 5 year excitability study shows abc product outperforms its closest competitor by 71%.”
“P.S. Millie Walker of Hope Springs Eternal, N.J., tried abc product and her sunflowers were 3 times the size they were the previous year.”
The P.S. is one place you can get creative, have fun, and even be silly. Some marketers tell a quick joke in the P.S. Some use more than one P.S., using a P.P.S and even a P.P.P.S.
The one thing to keep in mind: The P.S. is valuable real estate – use it wisely.
If you write a quality email newsletter then you know that it takes a lot of works to produce. So isn’t it extremely frustrating when you look at your stats and see that only a small percentage of your subscribers even cared to open your newsletter and read it?
Here are 3 reasons why newsletters don’t get read, and the corresponding tips for making your email newsletter eye candy that your readers can’t wait to devour…
1. Too many product pitches. If your newsletter only pitches products, your readers will get tired of always being promoted to. Instead, give them some great content that is helpful; information that they can USE and benefit from without having to purchase anything.
This way they’ll become accustomed to opening your newsletters for the great content, and when you do pitch a product, they are more likely to read it and respond.
2. Your content is boring. Whoa, that one hurt, didn’t it? No one likes to think they’re boring – yet we might be and not even realize it.
The solution? Tell stories. Nothing captures attention like stories do. I once had a teacher in school who tried for weeks to pound dates and names into our heads. It was his first year teaching, and he just couldn’t figure out why we were doing so poorly on the tests. Finally he started telling history in story form, many of the students grades shot up overnight.
See what I mean? 😉
3. Your newsletter is hit and miss. This week you send it out on Monday and next week you send it on Wednesday. Then you miss two weeks, and finally you send it out on Friday.
Let’s face it – people get used to routines. Their favorite show is on Thursday night at 8:00 pm and they know it. Their newspaper arrives every morning at 6:00 am and that’s when they expect it. Their paycheck arrives every other Friday at 3:00 pm, and that’s when they look for it. And your newsletter should be no different. Pick a schedule and then stick to it, no matter what.
Sometimes the answers are right under your nose. For example – what makes one person fail while another succeeds? The answers is often small differences that seem ordinary and mundane, yet are magic at creating consistent and long term success.
Successful people…
1. Know their purpose. If you’re working towards your true purpose, it’s no longer work, but passion. Find your passion and you are halfway to achieving success.
2. Read stuff. No, we’re not talking about surfing the web here. Instead, find the information that will help you in your quest to get ahead and then read it.
3. Question almost to the point of being annoying. Question to clarify and to improve your comprehension. Question to find new methods, new techniques and new ways of doing things. Just because something has “always been done this way” doesn’t mean there isn’t a better way.
4. Ask for help. Going it alone is the macho Lone Ranger way, but even he had Tonto to help him out. Need help? Then for crying out loud, ask.
5. Have a big circle of friends. It’s hard to ask for help if you don’t have people to go to. Build a vast network of friends and associates, both in and out of your niche and Internet marketing.
6. Outsource. Whether this means hiring people locally or on the other side of the world, get others to perform tasks you’re not good at. Otherwise you’re just wasting your time to achieve mediocre results.
7. Don’t look back – much. If you wallow in the past then you’re stuck in the past. Look back only to find lessons on what works and what doesn’t.
8. Plan. What’s your vision? What are the goals you need to meet to reach that vision? And how will you achieve each of those goals? Write it down and refer back to it often.
9. Are flexible. Things change. You might find an easier way to achieve one of your goals, or you might learn that your original plan has major flaws. Don’t be bull-headed. Be flexible. Water can get past anything precisely because it is so flexible.
10. Prioritize. We tend to do things in order of time or ease. For example, you’re more likely to tackle the 30 minute task rather than the 2 hour task, or do the easy thing before the difficult endeavor. But once you prioritize and do the most important thing first, you’ll find that success naturally follows.
11. Are persistent. You didn’t reach your goal in a day or a week? They said no? Things aren’t turning out as you thought they would? So long as you don’t quit, you cannot fail. Even blind squirrels find acorns when they persist.
12. Know that failure is just a stepping stone to success. This is directly tied to #11. Just because you fail does not give you a reason to quit. Give yourself one hour for a pity part, then analyze WHY you failed and move on. Remember all the failures that went into inventing the light bulb – Edison didn’t stop until he found the right way because he knew that every failure got him that much closer to his goal.
13. Get outside of their comfort zone. You’ve never done it before? You’re nervous? You’re shy? You’ve got butterflies in your stomach and you feel like you’re going to throw up? Congratulations! You’re about to do something that is going to stretch your abilities and get you one step closer to realizing your dream, so thumb your nose at fear and just do it anyway.
14. Aren’t Scrooges. Whether it’s sharing credit, sharing your techniques for success or the fruits of your labors, share with others. It will come back to you 10 fold in the future.
15. Recharge. All work and no play makes Jack or Jill a dull burnt out person. Take time to rest, get enough sleep, and spend one day a week doing something totally unrelated to your work – you’ll come back feeling refreshed and with new energy.